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To provide a more comprehensive service, Luxcoat offers polishing and electroplating renovation. Whether signs, gates, door locks, faucets, metal decorations, or lighting fixtures made of copper, stainless steel, or mixed metals in your company or home show signs of wear or aging, we can efficiently arrange for their renovation.

Luxcoat introduces cutting-edge technology from the United States and employs technicians with over twenty years of experience. With a professional service attitude, we provide on-site polishing and electroplating services. Our diverse renovation services cater to long-term clients, including hotels, property management, developers, and individual homeowners. We offer a variety of colors such as 18K and 24K gold, gunmetal, rose gold, antique bronze, pure silver plating, chrome plating, and more. The colors are exquisite, rust-resistant, and ensure long-lasting durability.

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Polishing and Electroplating – Case Studies for Reference

Polishing and Electroplating Services

Customer’s home had a cherished collectible, but unfortunately, it had oxidized and faded over time. After our restoration efforts, the customer was extremely satisfied with the results.

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Bathtub Handrail

Polishing and Electroplating Renovation: Bathtub Handrail

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Car Gear Shift Lever

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LuxCoat International Limited

Flat 3, 14/F, Fook Yip Building, 53-57 Kwai Fung Crescent,Kwai Chung


Contact Us

電話:2763 6333

傳真:2763 9922

WhatsApp:9170 1994

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